Information for shareholders

PJSC Odeskabel notifies shareholders that it is possible to familiarize themselves with information that should be made public in accordance with the law starting in 2015 on the Internet at:

To access the information you need to register on the site.


On determination of the quorum of the general meeting of shareholders after 12.10.2014.

PJSC “Odeskabel” draws the attention of shareholders to paragraph 10 of section VI of the Law of Ukraine “On the depository system of Ukraine” No. 5178-VI dated 06/07/2012 as amended (hereinafter - the Law):

“If, within one year from the date of entry into force of this Law, the owner of the securities did not conclude an agreement with the chosen issuer of the depository institution on servicing the securities account on his own behalf or did not transfer the rights to securities belonging to him to his securities account securities opened with another depository institution, the securities of such an owner (which give the right to participate in the bodies of the issuer) are not taken into account when determining the quorum and when voting in the bodies of the issuer . ”


Protocol on the voting results at the general meeting of PJSC Odeskabel dated 04/23/2018 can be downloaded here .

Protocol on the voting results at the general meeting of PJSC Odeskabel dated 04/14/2017. can be downloaded here .

Protocol on the results of voting at the general meeting of PJSC Odeskabel dated 04/14/2016. can be downloaded here .

Protocol on the results of voting at the general meeting of PJSC Odeskabel dated 04/16/2015 can be downloaded here .

Protocol on the results of voting at the general meeting of PJSC Odeskabel dated 04/17/2014 can be downloaded here .

Protocol on the results of voting at the general meeting of PJSC Odeskabel dated 04/16/2013 can be downloaded here .

Protocol on the voting results at the general meeting of PJSC Odeskabel dated April 12, 2012 can be downloaded here .

Protocol on the results of voting at the general meeting of PJSC Odeskabel dated October 12, 2011 can be downloaded here .

Protocol on the voting results at the general meeting of PJSC Odeskabel dated 04/14/2011 can be downloaded here .